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Greg Tarr Appointed to Romeo DDA

Greg Tarr named to Romeo DDA Board

Greg Tarr named to Romeo DDA Board

Greg Tarr was recently honored to be asked if he would serve on Romeo’s Downtown Development Authority (DDA) board.  In doing so, Greg will serve alongside fellow business owners and residents of the Village of Romeo.

Downtown Romeo thrives with a unique set of shops, restaurants, and galleries in a premier historic setting dating back from the 1800’s. Romeo is listed on the national register of historic places and was one of the original locations for the University of Michigan (1840) Go Blue.

Greg said “I look forward to bringing my 25+ years of business ownership experience along with commercial real estate ownership background to the board.”

He went on to add “Romeo is a fantastic community with a lot to offer and I’m hopeful that my knowledge and involvement will only enhance the experience of all the residents of Romeo.”

The Downtown Development Authority Public Act 197 was originally passed in 1975. One of the main purposes was to authorize the use of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to correct and prevent deterioration of downtown areas in the state of Michigan. This act was later updated to Public Act 57 in 2018.

Sean O'Bryan