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Toys for Tots Update


The Toys for Tots drive has ended in record fashion for our community. We wanted to pass along this final update.

The generosity was unimaginable. Aside from the many toys donated at our office, we held 2 Romeo High School basketball game drives last week. Students were encouraged to bring toys to those games, and boy did they. During Thursday night’s game, several members of the US Marine Corps Reserve were on hand to participate in the drive. We had so many impressive toys donated throughout the drive that Greg and Taylor had to use a trailer, donated by Romeo Rent-All, to deliver everything to Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Harrison Township, Michigan. 

Again, a huge thank you to everyone who either donated or helped. We could have never done it without everyone’s dedication. Now it is time to enjoy Christmas with our families, and knowing that somewhere in our area some children will have a bit extra certainly should warm some hearts. Merry Christmas.

Sean O'Bryan